Fahadh Faasil, son of popular Malayalam director A. M. Fazil, began his career as an actor and eventually ventured into producing movies as well. Making his debut at the age of 19, Fahadh starred in his fathers film Kaiyethum Doorath (2002), only to see the film fail at the box office. The young actor then took a break to pursue his studies and only returned to the film industry in 2009 starring in the anthology movie Kerala Cafe. The actor has since then appeared in several successful movies such as 22 Female Kottayam (2012), Annayum Rasoolum (2012), Bangalore Days (2014), and Maheshinte Prathikaaram (2016).
Few of Fahadhs prominent roles have come with the movies Chaappa Kurishu (2011), Akam (2013), Artist (2013), and North 24 Kaatham (2013). His 2017 release includes the movie Role Models directed by Rafi.