In a career spanning more than three decades, Mehaboob Nassar has appeared in numerous South Indian and Hindi movies. Nassar was born to Mehaboob Basha and Mumtaz in Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, and is now married to Kameela Nassar. The couple has three sons - Abdul Asan Faizal, Luthfudeen Baasha, and Abi Mehdhi Hassan. The actor made his feature film debut in K. Balachander's Kalyana Agathigal (1985) and went on to play the role of an antagonist in several films. His breakthrough role came through his performance as a police officer in Mani Ratnam's Nayakan. Some of his popular films include Thevar Magan (1992), Bombay (1995), Padaiyappa (1999), Saivam (2014) and Uttama Villain (2015). His 2017 releases include S3, Iru Mugan, The Ghazi Attack, Vishwaroopam 2, 8 Thottakkal, Mister and Baahubali: The Conclusion.