Divya Spandana, better known by her stage name Ramya is a popular Indian film actress and politician who mainly works in the South Indian film industry across Kannada, Tamil, and Telugu language films. The actress who started her career in the film industry in 2003 with the Kannada-language film Abhi. After a string of earned herself the title, 'Golden Girl of Kannada Cinema' and the 'Sandalwood Queen.' The winner of two Filmfare Awards for Best Actress and the Karnataka State Film Award, the actress has worked with all the major directors and actors in the South Indian film industry. Apart from her acting career, Ramya has political affiliations; she joined the Indian Youth Congress in 2011 and two years late in 2013, she became one of the youngest MPs (Member of Parliament) as he won the 2013 by-election from the Mandya constituency in Karnataka.