Son of actor Prabhu Ganesan and grandson of actor Sivaji Ganesan, Vikram Prabhu made his mark as an actor in his debut movie Kumki itself, winning the Vijay Award for Best Debut Actor. Lauded as one of the best action heros in the industry, Vikram has experimented with movies of different genres such as the blockbuster action thriller Arima Nambi, and the family action entertainer Sigaram Thodu. His rom-com film Vellaikaara Durai in 2014 was a huge hit too. Apart from these, he has featured in several movies like Idhu Enna Maayam in 2015, Wagah and Veera Sivaji in 2016. His 2017 release includes the action drama Sathriyan, under the direction of S. R. Prabhakaran, opposite Manjima Mohan and Kavin.